동부 교회 중고등부

Solo Scriptura

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. 


6학년부터 12학년까지

예배 안내: 주일 오전 10:30분 성경공부 / 오후 2시 예배 (중고등부실)

Kids relate to our exciting and engaging gatherings and have a ton of fun! They learn how to develop Godly character and become followers of Jesus Christ through interactive, visual Bible lessons that utilize a cool mixed-media format. They participate in great worship music led by their peers, watch showcases of live dramas, and play fun games that support the lesson. They are also part of dynamic small groups, filled with prayer and personal one-on-one discussions where friendships are formed that will last a lifetime.